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🌐 react

tips about react

Based on `react-router@v6`

function generatePaths(route: RouteObject, parentPath = '') {
  const { path, children } = route
  const fullPath = cleanDoubleSlashes(withoutTrailingSlash(`${parentPath}/${path ?? ''}`))

  let paths = new Set([fullPath])

  if (children) {
    for (const childRoute of children) {
      const childPaths = generatePaths(childRoute, fullPath)
      paths = new Set([...paths, ...childPaths])

  return paths

// Paths should be uniq
const paths = routes.flatMap(route => Array.from(generatePaths(route)))

more functional

  {text === ' ' ? <>&nbsp;</> : text}

Here's what I've been using, similar to the other answer but without a dependency:

  render={props => (
    <Redirect to={`foo/${}/bar`} />;
  • 可替换HTMLElement为HTMLDivElement `React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>`



使用 namespace


export function a() {}
export namespace a {
  export const b = b;


使用 as

in `a.tsx`

export const a = () => {};

in `index.tsx`

import { a as innera } from "./a";
import { b } from "./b";

type Innera = typeof innera;
interface a extends Innera {
  b: typeof b;
const a = innera as a;
a.b = b;
export default a;